About Félice van der Sande
My mission is to make the benefits and enjoyment of music accessible to as many young children as possible. In addition to the Music on Lap courses and workshops in Delft and the surrounding area, I write children's songs, train pedagogical professionals throughout the country and give concerts for the very young. I have also specialized in the combination of reading and music.
In 1998 I graduated from the Royal Conservatory in The Hague in School Music 1st degree, with flute as my first instrument. In 2005 I completed the post-higher professional education course “Music on Lap Teacher”. In 2021, I obtained a master's degree in Art Education with honors, fully focused on music in childcare.
In addition to the flute, I play all kinds of instruments and I am always looking for new and special sound forms. For the Music on Lap lessons I regularly write songs myself and musical pleasure is always central.
Since 2010, I have specialized in giving and organizing special concerts for the youngest, from small-scale musical earrings to a concert with a large orchestra. In 2013 this resulted in “Krulmuziek”: with 3 professional strings we provide baby and children's theater concerts, look for bookings at Buro Bannink.
In 2013 I was organizer and project coordinator of the Year of Music with the Young Child. Since 2008 I have been active for the Stichting Muziek op Schoot, of which I have been chairman since 2014. In 2018 'Muziekkwartier' came out and I provide training to pedagogical professionals in childcare in the Netherlands and Belgium. Since 2019 I am a teacher at the Music Education Schoot teacher training course and I am happy to train future colleagues.
I regularly speak at study days, give lectures and provide customized training courses from workshops to long-term guidance for pedagogical employees. Many articles by my hand have already been published in the professional pyramid. And I often gave workshops to colleagues on the Gehrels Professionalization Day.
I get extra inspiration for my work at the international congresses ECME (Early Childhood Music Education Commission) and MERYC (European Network Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children) where I also gave presentations.
- 2012, ECME conference in Corfu. Two poster presentations: One about baby concerts and one about the comparison of the work of pioneer Annie Langelaar with contemporary Muziek op Schootpraktijk.
- 2015, MERYC in Tallinn. Presentation 'Playful singing' about stimulating self-singing babies and toddlers. And a poster presentation about the Year of Music with the Young Child.
- 2016, ECME, The Netherlands, presentation 'Singing methods meet vocal play' on the application of playfully healthy voice stimulus in very young children aged 0-4 years.
- 2019, MERYC, Ghent. Poster presentation 'Just music: embedding child-development oriented music activities at day care centers.' About the creation of the book Muziekkwartier.
- 2019, MERYC, Ghent. Workshop 'Pretend play: painting in three-four time' on the application of exceptional playing material for the implementation of musical skills that cannot be made visible in other situations
- 2021, 26 februari, MERYC Online Event, Practitioner perspective: Netherlands.
- 2022, 24 februari, MERYC, Wenen, Oostenrijk
Research paper ‘I never thought I would master it so quickly’
In 2018, 'Muziekkwartier - development-oriented music making in childcare' was published by publisher SWP. View on Het Muziekkwartier for more information about the book and the associated courses and workshops for pedagogical staff, childminders and other professional educators.
Other publications
2021: Blub! Klassiek voor kleintjes, Krulmuziek, zang, samenstelling, arrangementen.
2021: ‘Nieuwe Dierenliedjes’ compositie, uitwerking, zang. Piano: Emile Chappin.
2019: ‘Ba-boem! Klassiek voor kleintjes’, Krulmuziek, zang, samenstelling, arrangementen.
2019: ‘Ba-boem! Speelboek’, voor Muziek op Schootdocenten
2018: ‘Muziekkwartier, ontwikkelingsgericht muziek maken in de kinderopvang’, uitgeverij SWP.
2008: ‘Liedjes op Schoot’, deel 1
2009: ‘Liedjes op Schoot’, deel 2, samenstelling en zang, i.s.m. Guus Westdorp en Ton op ’t Hof
Oplage: 20.000+, inmiddels te beluisteren op YouTube en Spotify
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