Muziek op Schoot on friday

Muziek op Schoot on friday

Location: Wijkcentrum Wippolder, grote zaal, Professor Krausstraat 50, Delft.
(Parking is Free till 12:00)

10 lessen € 88,-

Data: 27 september, 4/11/18/25 oktober, 8/15/22/29 november en 6 december.
Reservedatum: 13 december 2024
(Voor het geval een les uitvalt door bijv. ziekte van de docent)

Time: The groups will be divided after all registrations are complete.
Please provide details that are important to the teacher when registering
Youngest group (From 6 months):        9.00h-9.40h
Middle group:                                  10:00h-10.40h
Oldest group (up to 4 years):                     11:00h-11.40h


Muziek op Schoot on saturday

Muziek op Schoot on saturday

Location: Wijkcentrum Wippolder, grote zaal, Professor Krausstraat 50, Delft.
(Parking is Free till 12:00)

10 lessen € 88,-

Data: 28 september, 5/12/26 oktober, 2/16/23/30 november, 7/14 december
Reservedatum: 21 december 2024
(Voor het geval een les uitvalt door bijv. ziekte van de docent)

Time: The groups will be divided after all registrations are complete.
Please provide details that are important to the teacher when registering
Youngest group (From 6 months):        9.00h-9.40h
Middle group:                                  10:00h-10.40h
Oldest group (up to 4 years):                     11:00h-11.40h


New animal songs

Moving music game for home, childcare or kindergarten, including sheet music and chords.

Hiss like a snake, roll like a pig and fly like a dove. Look like an owl, wag like a dog and sneak like a tiger. Can you also clack like a stork does with that extremely long beak?
Speel mee met deze beweeglijke liedjes! Negen liedjes met voor elk lied twee pagina’s vol spelvormen voor baby, peuter en kleuter.

Dance, play and sing along with the recordings via Spotify, YouTube and many other streaming channels.

Enjoy the games from the booklet, where you can have fun together, dance, roll and crawl and play with cloths, balls, feathers and more.

For at home, in childcare, with Music on Lap or just with your friends in the sandbox.

For children from 6 months to 6 years. Attention! This book is only available in Dutch. There are no translate versions.
